Our Services

Non-Motor Insurance


Non-Motor Insurance Solutions from BMS Road Tax

With over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry, the staff at BMS Road Tax are equipped with in-depth knowledge of non-motor insurance products such as Travel Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, and Fire Insurance.

Over the years, BMS Road Tax has assisted many of our customers in dealing with the claims process. With our assistance, it has expedited the customer claims process, leading to fast settlements and ensuring our customers’ satisfaction in choosing BMS Road Tax as their insurance agency. These results give us strong encouragement to continue providing the best services and remain sustainable in the insurance industry for over 30 years. This driving force behind achieving results has brought us to where we are now.


Our Comprehensive Insurance Offering

Non-motor insurance comprise of several lines example Travel insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Fire Insurance etc. We specialize in underwrite the below types of non-motor Insurance.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance covers flight delay, loss of personal belongings, trip cancellation, medical expenses & more.

Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident insurance provides compensation in the event of insured sustaining injuries, solely and directly from an accident caused by violent, visible and external means, resulting into death or disablement be it temporary or permanent.

Fire Insurance

The fire insurance policy covers losses or damages to your insured property i.e. your private residence and its contents; that are caused by fire, lightning or explosion of domestic boilers and gas used for domestic purposes only during the period of insurance.

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