Insurance Extension
This is a common issue that the owner facing when renewing Road Tax.
This is a common issue that the owner facing when renewing Road Tax.
This issue usually causing by….
1) Delay in renewing road tax.
This mean your insurance inception date has exceeded 7 days grace period allowed by Road Transport Department to renew your road tax. As such, you will only allowed to renew for 6 months road tax
—Solution : You need to contact the insurance company and proceed insurance extension to be able to renew 1 year road tax.
This mean your insurance inception date has exceeded 7 days grace period allowed by Road Transport Department to renew your road tax. As such, you will only allowed to renew for 6 months road tax
—Solution : You need to contact the insurance company and proceed insurance extension to be able to renew 1 year road tax.
2) Insurance and your road tax not tally.
This mean your road tax expiry date & insurance expiry date doesn’t match.
—Solution : You first need to confirm the road tax expiry date and contact the insurance company to proceed insurance extension so the insurance & road tax date will tally.
This mean your road tax expiry date & insurance expiry date doesn’t match.
—Solution : You first need to confirm the road tax expiry date and contact the insurance company to proceed insurance extension so the insurance & road tax date will tally.